What's This All About Then??

This blog is especially for women who suffer from endometriosis, but also for anyone seeking inspiration as they journey towards healing.

We (Clara and Ellen) are sisters, and this is our joint project.
Ellen has struggled with chronic pelvic pain from endometriosis for close to 15 years. This project is our answer to her pain. We decided that, even if we can't make the pain go away, we would do everything in our power to activate the body's healing mechanisms.

So what exactly is Endo Undo

It is a year-long quest for wellness. It is about being mindful of the food and drink we put into our bodies and about how we move our bodies. It is about where we rank our own bodies in our list of life priorities (and trying to get ourselves and our overall health back to the top of that list!). It is definitely about trying new things and having fun and building a stronger, deeper, more beautiful bond between sisters. It might even be about the reduction in Ellen's pain symptoms.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sweet Nothings

Most days I love the endo diet.  Kale makes me smile; a perfectly ripe pear is an unbelievable gift; and beans keep my tummy feeling full and happy.
But then, every so often, there are those days.. like yesterday, when the puppy had to get up 3 times during the night and I was so tired my eyelids drooped through all of class.  Or when it's that oh-so-special time of the month, and all I want to do is lock myself in a closet with a giant chocolate bar.

Recipe: Quick Oat & Raisin Cookies

This recipe is my newest find in Carolyn Levett's Recipes for the Endometriosis Diet.  They are really crunchy and delightful.  I like to make a big batch and freeze them to have on hand for cookie emergencies.